Time magazine dedicated its cover and article to General Zaluzhny

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The American magazine Time dedicated the cover of its new issue and an article to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valery Zaluzhny.


The October issue of the magazine with the commander-in-chief’s photo will go on sale on October 10.

“Zaluzhny turned out to be the military mind that his country needed. His leadership allowed the Ukrainian armed forces to quickly adapt to the initiative on the battlefield against the Russians,” – Time quotes US General Mark Milley

American journalists noted that Zaluzhny is one of many Ukrainians responsible for the courage and progress of the national army.

5 ammunition warehouses, 13 units of equipment and more than 40 units of the occupier's personnel were destroyed in the Southern Buz area of ​​the Armed Forces.

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The Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 5 ammunition depots, 13 units of equipment and more than 40 units of the occupant’s personnel in the South Buz area.


Information received from operational command “South”:

“The situation in the operational zone in the South Buzka direction is stable, but controlled. The adversary is looking for various options in attempts to oppose our active actions. Near Arkhangelsk, a subversive-reconnaissance group of up to 10 people tried to check the strength of our positions. As a result of the battle, he suffered losses and retreated. Along the line of potential advance of our units, mines are being mined with anti-personnel and anti-tank mines,” the message says.

To ensure the possibility of raising reserves and supplies, including from the temporarily occupied Crimea, the Russians do not stop trying to arrange new crossings, in particular in the Kakhovsky direction.

A reconnaissance drone was destroyed in the Beryslav district of the Kherson region. In the Mykolaiv Oblast, air defense forces stopped another attempt to attack a kamikaze drone of the Shahid-136 type. It was destroyed in the air over open terrain. Without destruction and human losses.

“A Russian Su-25 attack aircraft was shot down by soldiers of the anti-aircraft missile brigade in the Berislav district of the Kherson region. To rescue the Russian pilot, the occupiers sent a Mi-8 helicopter, which was also successfully destroyed by our anti-aircraft guns,” Ukrainian military noted.

Aviation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine made nine strikes on the enemy, and missile and artillery units carried out 310 fire missions. Strikes on the area of ​​concentration of enemy weapons and equipment in Beryslav Oblast have been practiced, fire control of the Antoniv bridge has been strengthened, and the use of alternative traffic at the crossing in the area of ​​Novaya Kakhovka has been made impossible.

The confirmed losses of the Russians are: 43 soldiers, three tanks, a self-propelled artillery installation and nine units of armored vehicles.


As reported, from February 24 to September 25, Ukrainian defenders eliminated about 56,700 Russian soldiers.

Defenders from Cherkasy region congratulated the townspeople on the 741st anniversary of the city of Cherkasy

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Defenders from Cherkasy region congratulated the townspeople on the 741st anniversary of the city of Cherkasy


Cherkasians congratulated the citizens on City Day, and reminded that one should not forget at what cost life in the hinterland is calm and relatively safe.
He also thanked for the support in providing material and technical resources and, of course, for the donations from everyone. We also express our gratitude to everyone who helps to continue to be stable and effective in this difficult, but such an important mission – the return of our territorial integrity and independence.
Everything will be Ukraine!

The President of Moldova, Maia Sandu, has warned that she will revoke her citizenship for participating in the war against Ukraine

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“There is a risk of mobilization of Moldovan citizens in the eastern regions of Moldova (Transnistria). We are considering the possibility of revocation of citizenship from citizens who have only Moldovan citizenship and will act in the military conflict on the side of the aggressor,” Sandu said following the meeting of the Supreme Security Council.


She added that there is still no confirmation of information about mobilization in this region, but the authorities warn of punishment for those who have plans to support Russia in the war against Ukraine.

A soldier from Cherkasy was killed during hostilities in Kharkiv Oblast

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During hostilities in Kharkiv Oblast, a soldier from Cherkasy died


Today in Cherkasy they said goodbye to staff sergeant Igor Murzenko. This was announced by Cherkas City Mayor Anatoly Bondarenko.

Ihor Oleksandrovych served as a marksman and was killed during hostilities in the Kharkiv region. A brave, brave and courageous defender laid down his life so that all of us could live under a peaceful sky in an independent and free state.

– The death of this patriot faithful to the oath and devoted to Ukraine is an irreparable loss for the entire Cherkasy community. We express our sincere condolences to the family of the Hero-defender. The kingdom of heaven to Ihor Oleksandrovych and all the fallen Ukrainian soldiers, Bondarenko comments.

The European Union confirmed the incompatibility of Russia's actions with the charter of a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

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The European Union confirmed the incompatibility of Russia’s actions with the charter of a permanent member of the UN Security Council.


The position of the European Union regarding the inadmissibility of a violation of the UN Charter by one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, which was announced by the President of the European Council Charles Michel during a speech from the podium of the UN General Assembly in New York, reflects the position of all countries of the European Union, which are members of the UN.

EU spokesman Peter Stano said this at a briefing in Brussels, the correspondent of Ukrinform reports.

“Charles Michel, as the president of the European Council, spoke on behalf of all the states of the European Union. Since February of this year, and even earlier, after the illegal annexation of Crimea and the destabilization of eastern Ukraine in 2014, Russia has demonstrated that it is not behaving as a responsible member of the international community. And with the latest threats to use nuclear weapons, I think Russia has completely discredited itself as a permanent member of the UN Security Council,” Stano said.

He reminded that only 5 countries are among the permanent members of the UN Security Council. For each of them, this is a privilege that allows them to do everything possible to comply with the UN Charter and so that peace, not war, prevails in the world.

At the same time, the EU spokesman emphasized that the issue of organizing the work of the UN, including the entry of countries into the UN Security Council, belongs to the internal procedures of the UN itself, of which all the states of the European Union are full members .

As reported, on September 23, during a speech in New York, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, suggested suspending Russia’s membership in the UN Security Council.

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